經由我家的掙扎,我看到了政府有多重要,卻經常在你最需要幫助時,是那麼脫節。無論是爭取讓我的妹妹們得到在學校需要有的東西,爭取在鄰里巷弄開辦一家小企業,或者是為我自己的小孩在波士頓公校系統中摸索,原本應該提供支援的市府機構,卻讓我們遭遇障礙。當我遇見有同樣情況的其他人 – 要照顧家人,扶養小孩,想開辦生意的人和設計得並不能為每個人服務的系統對抗時,我聽到了同樣的沮喪聲音。
我上了法學院,學習如何摸索並改變這些系統,好讓其他家庭不需要面對同樣的挑戰。從為Tom Menino市長在市政府工作,為曾經是我法學教授的聯邦參議員Elizabeth Warren第一次競選工作,我看見政府及政治可以協助解決問題,掃除障礙,賦能人們。那就是為什麼2013年我參選市議員,也是為什麼我每天工作,以建造社區,爭取我們的孩子應有的未來。
From climate resiliency and transportation, to public health and community safety, Mayor Wu has established Boston as a global leader in delivering solutions to the biggest challenges families are facing.
She has divested City funds from fossil fuels and ended their use in all new City construction and major renovations; saved residents and businesses more than $230 million in energy costs through Boston’s Community Choice Electricity Program; secured funding for thousands of new jobs to protect Boston’s coastline; and doubled the number of trees planted on Boston’s streets every year.
Mayor Wu has boosted public transit ridership in the city through fare-free Boston bus lines; installed more speed humps to protect pedestrians and neighbors on residential streets in the last two years than in the previous six combined; secured a board seat granting Boston a voice in governing the MBTA; and deployed new technology to optimize traffic signals and reduce congestion on Boston’s roads.
Under her leadership, the City settled a collective bargaining process with law enforcement that set a national standard for accountability and community policing—investing in officer education, improving family leave policies, and ending arbitration as a way to avoid disciplinary action for the most serious offenses.
Building on the success of her BPS Sundays Pilot program, Mayor Wu worked to make nine of Boston’s leading museums and cultural institutions free to all school-aged children in the city. As a Boston Public Schools mom, she has expanded early college and career programs to more high school students than ever before; invested in the District’s first long-term vision for facilities informed by clear data and community standards; and delivered more resources for academics, arts, and student athletics across our neighborhoods.
Mayor Wu’s administration has cut the ribbon on 20 new or newly-renovated public parks; supported more than 90 new small businesses in revitalizing formerly vacant neighborhood retail spaces, creating more than 800 new jobs; filled more than 18,000 potholes; and helped nearly 700 families become first-time homeowners through City of Boston programs.
Mayor Wu is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School. She began her career in public service interning at City Hall for Mayor Tom Menino and is an alumna of the Rappaport Fellows Program in Law and Public Policy. Mayor Wu lives in Roslindale with her husband Conor and their three children, Blaise, Cass, and Mira.